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Intermatic DTAV40M -Defrost Timer, Mechanism NR6_GO90H64

$118.59  $55.58

Product details:

The DTAV40M grasslin by intermatic auto voltage defrost timer mechanism is applicable to air defrost (compressor shutdown) and electric or hot gas defrost systems where the defrost is terminated by the timer. If the coil is frost free, the timers can also be terminated by temperature or pressure switches before the programmed defrost termination time has been reached. The time termination functions as a fail-safe and terminates the defrost cycle if the temperature or pressure switch fails to do so. The relay output is 40A resistive, 2Hp at 250Vac. Synchronous timer type, temp rating -4 degrees f to 104 degrees f (-20 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees Celsius). electrical life: 50,000 operations at full load.